
Gurdas Maan "Sajna iss tann ne mukk jaana bhavein roz maalishaan kariye, Roti Haq dee khayiye g bhavein boot polishaan kariye"

My Current Time

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Mesmerising Kajol

"She could mesmerize an audience by the sheer force of his presence". I cann't think of anything better to start off. Well for last sometime definitely from the day I saw Fanaa there has hardly been a day when i had not once thought of Kajol. The elegance and at the same time with simplicity n innocence with which she played a role of mother to child Rehaan ... was simply commendable. That image of her taking something of refrigerator and walking in sleepers wearing salwaar suit has been etched in my heart. She had again brought spark back to the salwaar suit. And mind you I am not looking like a 22 year guy only.. it is 6 year, 22 year and 50 year old all rolled into one. That song with child Rehaan(Chandu ke chacha ne) was a true tribute to a mother's spirit. Now what is ransacking my mind is the question that how could one be so real on screen. My conviction could only tell me that one has to be like that in real life to be real on silver screen. Well is that the ideal lady me is aspiring for? Me feeling light now.
"Think Kajol, Think Emotions"

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